Kit Feel Better Now
Save £175.00
Feel Better Now Home Kit
1 Thymus necklace
1 magnetic headband
1 pair of dual magnets
1 pair (2 units) of medium magnets
With a PDF Manual how to use
Thymus necklace -
Produced in green fabric, which is the colour that represents the thymus gland in the chakras. The green colour is the positive side facing forward and the black colour is the negative side facing the body.
Measuring 4.3 x 3cm, it is a thin magnet 0.3mm thick but has a magnetic field of 2900 Gauss. It comes with a black thread chain and finishing on the edges to better adjust the height of the piece around the neck.
Attention: People with a pacemaker and people undergoing chemotherapy cannot use this product!
1 magnetic headband
Has 8 mini magnets of 1800 gauss interspersed, starting with a positive one and ending with a negative total of 14400 gauss.
Are you sleepless? Anxiety? Stressed? a real fight is going on in your head? Feeling stuck?
Recommended for emotional and mental disorders, anxiety, feeling down, negative emotions, aggression, excessive worries, stress
Try using daily or every 3 days for chronic symptoms for 15-20 minutes/day, or weekly for milder symptoms
Attention: This product cannot be used by people who use a pacemaker and who are ---undergoing chemotherapy!!!
1 pair of dual magnets have 1800 gauss each,
Red Positive Pole. Black Negative Pole.
Neodymium magnet (Ni-Cu-Ni) covered with highly resistant nautical fabric.
Magnet model N42 20x10x2mm
Magnetic Induction Measurement: 1800 Gauss each magnet
Traction Force 3Kg.
Maximum working temperature: 80 Degrees Celcius.
Note: keep this product away from children!
Attention: This product cannot be used by people who use a pacemaker and who are undergoing chemotherapy!!!
1 pair (2 units) of medium magnets of 2900 gauss each, handcrafted for therapeutic use in Biomagnetism.
The medium magnets has an 'eye' shape that fits into a rectangle measuring 3x5 cm and with 2900 gauss!
Attention: This product cannot be used by people who use a pacemaker and who are ---undergoing chemotherapy!!!